First Advisory Group
- Gastbeiträge
Successful implementation of digital securities accounting by CSL Corporate Services Establishment and ONE PM AG
Together with ONE PM AG (ONE PM), CSL Corporate Services Establishment (CSL) was able to implement digitized securities accounting in a customer project. This complex task required close cooperation between business and IT and was larger in scope than initially assumed. In an interview with the project participants, Tino Kesseli, Head IT, provides an insight into the implementation and talks to Rita Zogg about her role in the project and the benefits of the solution.
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Von: Tino Kesseli
28 February 2024
- Gastbeiträge
Digitised securities accounting (eWeBu)
Together with ONE PM AG (ONE PM), CSL Corporate Services Establishment (CSL) was able to implement digitalised securities accounting in a customer project. A task that required very close cooperation between business and IT and was also much larger in scope than initially anticipated. Tino Kesseli, Head IT, asked the various project members about the challenges.
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Von: Tino Kesseli
6 December 2023
- Gastbeiträge
Interview with ONE PM COO Ali Madani: PMS Systeme
10 billion securities transactions - annually and worldwide. A huge number. Often, these transactions are still booked manually with a great deal of additional effort. Increasing regulatory requirements are forcing asset managers to acquire a technical solution. PMS systems therefore simplify the fulfillment of regulatory and legal requirements. But that's not all: In an interview, ONE PM COO Ali Madani explains the advantages of a PMS system in terms of data quality, cost and resource savings, and efficiency in business processes.
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Von: Ali Madani
13 September 2023
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Six months after the apprenticeship
After four years of vocational training, we talk to Albin Rizanaj, Junior IT Supporter, about his motives, tasks in the team and whether, looking back, his decision to stay was the right one.
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Von: Tino Kesseli
27 February 2023
- Gastbeiträge
Talos: The way out of the data jungle
Every day, company employees create a veritable flood of files. But as a rule, creating is not the end of the story. They are also filed and thus stored. File management is often done by instinct or within structures that have developed over the years and are no longer up to date. The result is a data jungle in which hardly anyone can really find their way around and from which there seems to be no pragmatic way out. But appearances are deceptive. Talos Filesystem Monitoring" provides companies with a pragmatic instrument for efficient data cleansing and secure storage in compliance with data protection regulations.
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Von: Markus A. Foser
8 November 2022
- Know-how
Accounting at a Liechtenstein charitable foundation
Since there is no basic accounting obligation for charitable foundations and similar institutions in Liechtenstein, the Association of Liechtenstein Charitable Foundations and Trusts (VLGST) has issued a corresponding recommendation. By applying these guidelines, a very high level of transparency is created in the annual financial statements of non-profit organisations, which not only provides information about the assets, but also about the business activities and the organisation itself. In doing so, the guidelines intentionally go far beyond the legal requirements for legal entities (e.g. an AG) according to the Liechtenstein Persons and Companies Act (PGR).
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Von: Andreas Brotzer
6 September 2022
The crucial question in estate planning:
Will or foundation?
An insight into probate and an exploration of the topic so that you can make the right decision.
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10 May 2022
- Know-how
The IT Helpdesk can help
An interview with Marc Huber and Patrick Mörth about the wide range of services offered by CSL's IT Helpdesk.
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Von: Matthias Bieber
21 March 2022
- Know-how
Digital documents as the basis for digitisation
A DMS is the basis of many digitisation projects. This is based on the fact that information can only be used for processes if it is also available digitally.
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Von: Tino Kesseli
1 February 2022
- Know-how
Correctly analyse and assess the company's financial situation
Do you lack an accurate picture of your company's key financial points? With the help of the annual financial statement analysis, you will gain a better insight into the actual economic and financial situation. Long-term success requires that you know the important key figures and interpret them correctly. Therefore, the following guiding principle applies to goal-oriented corporate management: Only those who are sufficiently informed about their company can recognise risks at an early stage and take advantage of opportunities in good time.
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Von: Andreas Brotzer
24 January 2022
- Gastbeiträge
CSL Business Process Sign
Business trips or vacations naturally interrupt the work process. New employees arrive at the home office without access to the physical inbox. Not only documents that need to be legally signed, but also forms that are easy to visualize are thus left lying around.
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Von: Tino Kesseli
18 January 2022
- Know-how
EuropeFides - An exciting international network
with Liechtenstein participation
EuropeFides is a European association of independent small and medium-sized accounting, audit, tax consultancy and law firms. The association was founded in 2008 with the aim of linking professionals offering a high quality of service and expertise within their respective local jurisdictions, enabling them to flourish in an increasingly international competitive environment.
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Von: Ralph Thiede, Dr. Thomas Zwiefelhofer
30 November 2021
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First meets Formatio Private School
The First Advisory Group has made its debut as an education provider, with a course on 'Business Basics' initiated in cooperation with Formatio Private School in Vaduz. Yasmin Schnelli, Head of HR, here presents the project and the course topics, as well as explaining the challenges faced by First Advisory Group.
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1 September 2021
- Know-how
Major overhaul of the Act establishing a Register of Beneficial Owners of Domestic Legal Entities
Since our last blog article entitled 'Major overhaul of the Act establishing a Register of Beneficial Owners of Domestic Legal Entities' published in March this year, we can now bring you further information on this subject from the Office of Justice.
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Von: Pascal Eggenberger
30 July 2021
- Know-how
Advantages of double-entry accounting
For SMEs, double-entry accounting, the legal requirement to keep records, as well as financial reporting requirements, take up a lot of precious time. Couldn’t this time be used more effectively? My blog highlights a number of reasons why double-entry accounting is indeed worth the time and effort and what purpose annual accounts additionally fulfil.
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Von: Andreas Brotzer
13 July 2021
- Know-how
E-transaction or digital bank document - What is the difference between the two, and what is the purpose of the data recorded?
Both of the above terms are frequently used, principally in connection with standards and products offered by different service providers; it is therefore worth taking a look at the differences in detail.
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21 June 2021
- Know-how
A brief guide to usufruct using life insurance
Life insurance is also worth considering when it comes to providing security for your own family. Provided proper structuring and early planning, the tax burden of an inheritance or gift can be reduced to zero. Based on an example involving clients from Germany, we set out in this article the maximum amount that, at present, can potentially be passed on to your descendants free of gift tax.
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4 June 2021
- Know-how
Vermögensstrukturierung über Private Label Fonds
Komplexe Vermögens- und Familienverhältnisse werden häufig über Stiftungen und Trusts strukturiert. Fonds können als Ergänzung sehr attraktive, effiziente und nachhaltige Strukturierungs- und Organisationsalternativen bieten.
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Von: Sandra Morandi
27 May 2021
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Between a football jersey and a suit and tie
In this blog, professional footballer Sandro Wieser discusses the topic of professional sport and his plan in the business world.
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26 March 2021
- Know-how
Major overhaul of the Act establishing a Register of Beneficial Owners of Domestic Legal Entities
The 5th EU Anti-Money Laundering Directive sets out extended obligations in terms of content and transparency of registers of beneficial owners through a modification of Articles 30 and 31. In addition, within the framework of implementation of the Act currently in force, weak points have been identified which are being remedied through adjustment to the law.
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Von: Pascal Eggenberger
17 March 2021


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