First Advisory in Vaduz
The headquarters of First Advisory is in Vaduz, in the Principality of Liechtenstein. Liechtenstein, a small state situated in the heart of Europe, is an ultra-modern hub for financial services, characterised by a high degree of political and economic stability. Liechtenstein enjoys an AAA rating from Standard & Poor's. Contact us to arrange an informal consultation.

Mag. iur. Stephan Kaufmann
Member of the Management Board FEP
Sprachen: German, English
First Advisory Trust reg.

lic. iur. Ralph Thiede, lic.iur.
Managing Director / Member of the Management Board FEP
Sprachen: German, English, French
First Tax Trust reg.
Wuhrstrasse 6
LI-9490 Vaduz
LI-9490 Vaduz