First Advisory Group
Our services

Family Office

Structuring, managing and investing wealth requires long-term asset planning – with bespoke advice and solutions for complex family requirements. The most important aims are to preserve and increase your family wealth over the long term and to transmit your philosophy to the next generation.

Your personal family office
We will support you in the context of long-term wealth planning, with comprehensive services, including brokerage services, ranging from banking transactions, through asset management and structuring, legal and tax advice and family governance, to philanthropy, art advisory and changes of domicile.

The highest levels of quality and accountability
Professional and experienced specialists will provide services in relation to your family assets in your interests and secure your wealth for subsequent generations. Our local proximity, combined with our international presence, provides an excellent context in which to manage and invest your family assets.

The advantages for you

  • The concept of an individual asset structure for your particular family circumstances
  • Personal and intergenerational asset planning, advice and structuring 
  • Comprehensive advice and management services
  • Relieving you of the burden of administrative tasks
Your personal contact
Stephan Kaufmann
Geschäftsstelle Vaduz, Management Board
Mag. iur. Stephan Kaufmann
Member of the Management Board
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch
First Advisory Trust reg.
Grüter Peter - Zürich / Genf
Management Board, Geschäftsstellen Zürich / Genf
RA lic. Iur HSG, EXec. M.B.L-HSG Peter Grüter
Managing Director / Member of the Management Board
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
First Advisory (Schweiz) AG
Schmid Phillipp
Geschäftsstelle Singapur, Management Board
Phillipp Schmid, lic.oec / lic.iur HSG
Managing Director / Member of the Management Board
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch
First Advisory Trust (Singapore) Ltd.


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